Dad's holding her like that because she won't stop bobbling her head.
My God, she looks damn innocent can? This from the little female who swipes at my feet like her Uncle Sprite after I've done my wudhuk. -_- Little monster she is. (She also licks people's feet at some point. This is if your feet are exceptionally wet.)
Bob, taken 2 nights ago. This picture TOTALLY does not capture her nonsense. She's all, oh look at me, I'm so tired, I need my beauty sleep. Tell that to Huda who's actually trying to sleep while Bob and Rahul take turns at "Jump On The Face" game.
Rahul, taken on the same night.. Rahul has this really really sad face, and he likes to tilt his head to the side when he hears a strange noise (usually happens when people fart in the house - haha- ok i kid) . Rahul is also a crier. He cries when people pick him up, and only stops when people put him down. This makes him audibly annoying, particularly when you pick him up and try to cradle him. (he knows that if he screams loud enough into your ear, you'll let him go.)
So there you have it, my two kitties.. More updates later later (like probably in a month haha) but yeah, watch this space. :D
Mark Nabil's test paper and go through it with him.... done!
Do up shortfall table.... not done. :(
Call/reach 20 people.... I forgot to bring the calling list. Big bacin. Argh.
Make 10 appointments.... sniff sniff.. Ditto.
Go for yoga.... done! hahaha.
Transfer photos.... not done yet. Camera at home. -_-
So yeah. Only 2 out of 6 done. -_- But I handled all the admin work at the office already. Which is a big phew. And my PWS is up and running! No more begging for papers! Yipee!
I finally finished reading The Kite Runner. I cried from Chapter 15 till the end. -_- I was sick this morning, so I didn't turn up for the roadshow. Didn't turn up for class either. Hassan, Hassan. You're such a cute little boy.
I cried 5 minutes into the movie. Yes, I am that emotional. I foresee a stressful day tomorrow, but I will persevere. I am brave. Will try to rest on Sunday, if I don't feel too guilty about not working. heh. Farhan says I'm becoming a workaholic. I wonder how true that is. Crap. Crap. Crap.
'That same night, I wrote my first short story. It took me thirty minutes. It was a dark little tale about a man who found a magic cup and learned that if he wept into the cup, his tears turned into pearls. But even though he had always been poor, he was a happy man and rarely shed a tear. So he found ways to make himself sad so that his tears could make him rich. As the pearls piled up, so did his greed grow. The story ended with the man sitting on a mountain of pearls, knife in hand, weeping helplessly into the cup with his beloved wife's slain body in his arms.'
Then he paused, as if on the verge of adding something. He weighed his words and cleared his throat. "But will you permit me to ask a question about the story?" he asked shyly. "Of course." "Well..." he started, broke off. "Tell me, Hassan," I said, though suddenly the insecure writer in me wasn't so sure he wanted to hear it. "Well," he said, "if I may ask, why did the man kill his wife? In fact, why did he ever have to feel sad to shed tears? Couldn't he have just smelled an onion?"'
~Kite Runner, Chapter 4.
*~ Amir : PWNED.
Ok. I'm going to sleep now. The boy's in a raid, and probably won't surface till tomorrow morning. Haha. Ok. Good night world. And a special Good night to ALL the Hassans of the world.
Slithering beads of rain sluiced down my window. I saw Baba slam the trunk shut. Already drenched, he walked to the driver's side. Leaned in and said something to Ali in the backseat, perhaps one last-ditch effort to change his mind. They talked that way for awhile, Baba getting soaked, stooping, one arm on the roof of the car. But when he straightened, I saw in his slumping shoulders that the life I had known since I'd been born was over. Baba slid in. The headlights came on and cut twin funnels of light in the rain. If this were one of the Hindi movies Hassan and I used to watch, this was the part where I'd run outside, my bare feet splashing rainwater. I'd chase the car, screaming for it to stop. I'd pull Hassan out of the backseat and tell him I was sorry, so sorry, my tears mixing with rainwater. We'd hug in the downpour. But this was no Hindi movie. I was sorry, but I didn't cry and I didn't chase the car. I watched Baba's car pull away from the curb, taking with it the person whose first spoken word had been my name. I caught one final blurry glimpse of Hassan slumped in the backseat before Baba turned left at the street corner where we'd played marbles so many times.
I stepped back and all I saw was rain through windowpanes that looked like melting silver.
*smiles* I love this story. I love how sad it makes me.
And I love that there is at least one book out there besides the HP series that affects me this way.
5) I need flats tomorrow. I don't think my feet can take it anymore.
6) When I took off my heels just now, the middle and ring toes curled across each other. And it hurt like crap, and I still can't believe I just forced them apart.
7) I sprained my left toe.
8) Thursday, Friday, Saturday. and Sunday. :)
9) I am not afraid. I am brave.
10) I am so tired right now, I KNOW I should sleep. But I haven't spoken to the boy yet. Gahh.
Rahul and Bob have now started their "Catch The Human Feet" game. It's interesting to see the new scratches I receive every morning as I sleepily walk into my parents' bedroom to use the toilet.
I had an early morning appointment today, followed by a three hours crash course, followed by a night appointment. :)
Hectic, but good. Very good. *wide smile*
The plane took off and my love went with it. The chilly wind whipped my both cheeks hard. And the man next to me said "Everything is gonna be alright". I said "Nothing is gonna be alright, but thank you anyway". And then I saw your face in the airplane window. I waved my hands and I shouted to you:
Tonight tonight tonight tonight I wanna be with you, tonight tonight tonight tonight I wanna be with you tonight...
Haha. Huda and I are just mesmerized by this feller in a tank top and a skirt!? of all things, dancing like crazy on stage. And the song is just, damn addictive it's positively sparkling! *slurps*
The internet is really pissing me off. URGH.
Ok. Be back when I have something more substantial to report. :D Good night!
Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight.. I wanna be with you tonight...
And thank you sista for Billie the Vision and the Dancers!! Woo hoo!! You is da rockstar!
Haha. I wish I could express what I'm feeling right now on this blog.
But. The most I can do is type that I am feeling something and it's not a very nice feeling.
It will pass soon. I hope it will.
I am somewhat upset. But I will push on.
I just spent the last hour typing out my report for tmr's two meetings. Haha. I like doing this because for one, it does help me keep track of all the stuff that I've been doing.
For another thing, I just like seeing my nice scores. Hahaha. And then I can tell myself good work. :P
Re-watching Om Shanti Om again. Mukhesh Mehra! You are like damn funny ah. You trapped your wife in a burning building, and because it's a Hindi film and she happened to like, not die from the fire, you dropped a glass chandelier on her instead!! Bahahaha..
On retrospect, Om Prakash Makhija did not die from the same explosion lorh. He died from being knocked down by a car (after he got kicked in the head/torso/legs/everywhere by Mukhesh's thugs) after his body got flung out of the burning building. Hahahaha. Dem funny.
My laptop is giving me internet problems again. Bloody hell. Argh.
Back from internet nonsense.
Now we're watching "There Will Be Blood". Which caused the boys to moan because they wanted to use the Xbox. -_- Story so far centers around a silver mine and the people who work in it.
Haha. My appointment was cancelled, which is a bit of a boo, but whatever lah. Moving on. 11 hours left till the day officially ends.
Hmm. I've never seen it quite like that. I have 11 hours left of Friday. Which is precious! I must do all I can to make sure it is well spent!
But anyways. I am now at the office, pretending to brain storm for my roadshow next week.
(yes. pigs have flown. hana is going to be in a roadshow.)
Haha. If you have the time, or if you just want to see me, or if you just want to stand behind a pillar and laugh at me, do come down to Novena. :D I'll be there (hopefully) from Tuesday onwards, up till Sunday.
But Sunday cannot because Farhana's getting married! Woo hoo!! Haha. So I'll be there after the wedding lah. (but go so early for wedding also not nice right... must see the bride in all her glory. The bride is my neighbour some more. Her wedding will practically be in the next void deck!)
So yah. That's about it for this weekend. Primary School lunch tmr at Sofra. :D
And um. Yah. Back to apparent researching/brain storming..
Assalaam 'Alaykum dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters,
As we all know it is waajib (obligatory) for Muslims to advice each other in matters of our Diyn as per the following Hadiyth:
The Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) said, ((Religion [diyn] is sincerity [nasiha])) [corrective advice, good counsel and sincere conduct]. They asked, 'To whom, Messenger of Allah?' He said, ((To Allaah and His Book and His Messenger and the Imams (leaders) of the Muslims and the common people))
We thus are obligated to refer to this e-mail which has been forwarded to me and has been circulating to so many Muslims, obviously due to the temptations and the threats stipulated therein.
The message starts as follows:
Pass this lucky words to 12 of ur friends then make a wish.
And it ends up saying:
After 12 days ur wish will come true. Ignore this n u will have bad luck 4 12 yrs. Plz don't ignore
It therefore talks about;
Luck & Wish
Threatening to the one who will ignore it and
Ends with promising a miracle or threat:
There are three issues of concern in this email.
1.Luck & Wish - There is no luck in Islaam or making Wishes. A Muslim has to believe in Qadhaa (Decree) of our Creator as one of the pillars of Imaan (belief) and also strive ghard to do good deeds and sustain evils.
2.Threats - It contains threats which are NOT allowed in Islam. Allah Says:
((There is no compulsion in religion)) [Al- Baqarah 2:256]
3.Shirk - It is a plain shirk that a person should predict and promise miracles thereby creating their own ideology and putting themselves in the position of Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) (Astaghfirullaah). Predicting Ghayb (Unseen) matters is in no doubt associating Allah in His Power, since none is able to know it except Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala).
((And with Him are the keys of the Ghayb (all that is hidden), none knows them but He)) [Al-An'aam: 59]
Imaam Ahmad recorded that Ibn 'Umar said that, The Messenger of Allah (Swalla Allahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) said:
((The keys of the Unseen are five, which no one knows except Allah. (Verily Allah, with Him is the knowledge of the Hour, He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily Allah is All-Knower, All-Aware))) [Luqmaan: 34]
So how can a person promise future happenings like:
After 12 days ur wish will come true. Ignore this n u will have bad luck 4 12 yrs. Plz don't ignore
Does he have the ability of seeing the Ghayb(Unseen)?
Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) Asks such persons who predict the unseen:
(Has he known the unseen or has he taken a covenant from the Most Beneficent? (Allah))
And warns them of a severe punishment because of this:
((Nay! We shall record what he says, and We shall increase his torment (in the Hell);)) [Maryam: 19:78-79]
All that (the predicting and false promising) is major Kufr; Forms of shirk which Allah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) does not forgive:
))Verily, Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin)) [An-Nisaa 4:48]
The dangers of believing in such matters is great such that one may fall into major Kufr (Disbelief). By believing the contents of the email and one who sent it, is like believing a soothsayer and the Prophet(Swalla Allahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam)had warned us of such people:
((The person who goes to a soothsayer and believes in him has rejected that which was revealed to Muhammad (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam))) [Musnad Ahmad]
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islaam, we sincerely and earnestly request you to take a stand on the truth.
First of all, to make sure whatever you are sending to your Muslim brothers/sisters adhers to teachings of Qur-aan and Sunnah and not on luck and wishes.
Secondly, please stop forwarding that e-mail to halt the spread of this kind of shirk. Others may get involved in this shirk due to the temptations and the threats stated therein.
Third, please forward this e-mail (reply) to counteract the false lies that have already been circulating so as to raise awareness on the dangers of getting implicated in such shirk. Circulate it until it reaches the originator of this e-mail so as to save ourselves and our fellow brothers and sisters from this great sin.
Jazaakum Allaahu khayra
Hana's take : I've always disliked forwarded chain mail. haha. You can check your history. I think I forwarded like, 5 emails to you? (more to Farhan of course. Which usually contains nonsense) Anyway. This email that I've received says exactly what I've always wanted to say. Want to hear the Hana version?
NOTHING is going to happen to you unless Allah (swt) says it is so. PERIOD. All this nonsense I see on the internet about how my toes are going to fall off and how a certain blonde cheerleader is coming to murder me in my sleep are all NONSENSE.
And as much as I encourage nonsense, threatening people to send out emails with blonde cheerleaders just borders on stupidity. Oh, wait a minute, it IS stupid!
And another thing, you are NOT going to die at midnight if you don't forward certain emails ok? *rolls eyes*
I have more to post up, but seeing as I'm going to be uber late and I'm still on the computer, I better go. :D More later.
Have a good day everyone!
(P.S : And do pass this on to all those ignorant people out there. Nothing will happen to you if you don't pass this on DUH, but help educate people ok? Haha. So it's up to you. The ball is in your court. )
And even if you don't send this out, you're still my friend. Hehe.
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just a******s.
(edit:) I've also learned that sometimes you can't help BUT care about these a******s. Because you made it your job to do so. HAHA.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.
I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.
I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're finished.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.
I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your house, one of my siblings (or cats) did it.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon... And all the less important ones just never go away. :P
Share this with your friends.. haha.. maybe they'll appreciate it. Who knows, maybe something good will happen.
If not... tough shit. :)
I am awake. Tmr is Thursday! And I is liking it, because I is a very happy girl!
Going to sleep in a few minutes. Yaay.
I found today that I really should rip off the band-aid instead of peeling it. It actually makes the whole experience more enjoyable. Plus, I'll recover faster and move on to new prospects. :D
Ok. My eyes are um, flickering. Night.
(I got the post from an email a friend sent. That's about as real as it gets. Haha.)
So hold on to the ones who really care.. In the end, they'll be the only ones there.
My phone vibrates once more. Thank God. The vibrator (hahahaha) died yesterday. And woke up again this morning. -_- Please save me from fickle-brained appliances.
I am up so early I suspect that there's a ton of things for me to do.
Yet, here I am, typing this lame-ass entry because I felt like it. Hahaha..
I am crazier when I'm next to herrrrr..
Well, in this case, him. :)
Farhan Suhada is the bomb, ok? Hahahahhaa.. He came down all the way to City Hall yesterday just to have dinner with me. :) Soooo sweet.
A bit of a tussle when it came to choosing what we were going to eat at Magic Wok. (mostly because my once-a-month-girlfriend decided to show up and rear her ugly head.) Hahahaha.. Which was damn funny because we both knew it wasn't me speaking. LOL. So he ended up ordering (which is very rare) and I ended up sulking (which isn't.) hehe.
Ok. and suddenly I have to make this nonsense short because Farhan wants to leave for work. Hahahahahahaha. The silly things we do (are documented in case You forget we ever did something this silly lah horh. :P)
Anyways. Today will be a trying day, with me running up and down from Woodlands to Tanjong Pagar. But it's okay. Because now, there's something to work towards. Hahaha.. You know I know we know. :)
So have a good day everybody. (yes, the you who's still reading this piece. This one's for you!)
Get up (get up) Come on (come on) Why are you scared? (I'm not scared) You'll never change What's been and gone...
Cause all of the stars Are fading away Just try not to worry You'll see them some day Take what you need And be on your way And stop crying your heart out...
:) Something will turn up dear. See if they don't.
I am happy. I truly am.
haha. I typed something else, then decided it was private. Lol. Then I completely forgot what I wanted to say after I said I was happy. Hahaha.
Hahaha.. Farhan and I invented this stupid game of emoticons. And I can't stop laughing my ass off. And Huda has suddenly joined the fray. Hahahahahaha...
That's what we got so far. Objective? Synchronise the your emoticon with your opponent's emoticon. Whoever does it first wins! Whoever doesn't laughs like a maniac. My tuzkis are probably dizzy with all the shaking. hahahaha..
Haha. Ok. So far, this has been a pretty pointless blogpost. But who cares. haha. You guys read it anyway.
Completely true. :) Anyways. This has turned out to be quite useless in dishing out the many thoughts I have tonight. (Which I already happened to share with my two Hs and one F.)
I need more photoshopped flair. But I haven't the time to do it. Gah.
Ok. bye. Going to gossip some more about.. other shit. hahaha.. Night world.
I re-read my whole post and found too many grammar/spelling mistakes that I don't intend to edit. It takes too much brain activity. hahahahahahaha. Sorry.
Don't waste your time on me, You're already the voice inside my head..
I miss you.
Boy dropped a tiny grenade, but I guess I was already expecting it.
Checked my numbers today, and I realised that I'm not that far off.
I can do this, I really can.
Sprite looks at me as if I am responsible for something I don't know I did.
Hafiz keeps asking me to explain the 'Minority Report' movie. -_-
I have to keep running. Run Hana, run.
'Untraceable' was damn good. And I finally found out that Tom Hanks has a son called Colin Hanks who was also in "Band Of Brothers". He was the guy who wanted so much to be in the war. -_-
Hafiz is trying to stand on his hands.. and not suceeding. Huda and I think his butt got too big.
OH> MY> GOD. Hafiz tried to do a cartwheel. And ended up looking like frigging Cartman. o_O
I have no idea why he's doing all that.
There's a reason why we should all stop worrying and just take everything life gives us and embrace it. :)
I have to tell myself that, oh about, a hundred times a day? :) But it's getting better.
So how about it you? Ready to live like Jack and Sally?
As the poor boy said, "I tunggu and tunggu and tunggu.. Tak online punnnn."
Haha. Sorry lah. I don't know why I felt so tired today. Hahaha. Oh right. Because I was up the whole night talking about gold with Huda. How could I forget.
I am currently watching Dumbledore talk about the dead Cedric Diggory. And hopefully I get to watch James McAvoy get sucked into a car tmr. Hahaha. I want! I want!
There are so many things wrong about Movie 4, and I'm irritated. -_- Movie 5 is next. Dad put the whole lot of Potter movies on one disc. Haha. So we just point and play now. :D Whee!
Ok. Farhan's asking me to explain the previous blogpost. Haha. Bye bye ppl.
Today I met the boy at Jurong Point where we shared our usual $5 carrot cake and a nonsensical conversation on the side.
Me : Eh. Is white gold, like. Gold? As in, you cannot wear white gold as your wedding band?
Boy (confidently) : No what. White gold is not real gold. It's actually titanium.
Me : huh? But why would they call it white gold if it was titanium? I always thought white gold is like a mixture of gold and something else. Meaning got some parts Au *element name* right?
Boy : No lahhhhh. Titaniummm. It's titanium.
Me : But why would they call it white gold if it's made from titanium????
Actual definition of 'White Gold' from Wikipedia :
White gold's properties vary depending on the metals and proportions used. As a result, white gold alloys can be used for different purposes; while a nickel alloy is hard and strong, and therefore good for rings and pins, gold-palladium alloys are soft, pliable and good for white gold gemstone settings. The highest quality white gold is usually at least 18 karat, and made up of gold and palladium, sometimes with other metals like copper, silver and platinum for weight and durability, although this often requires specialized goldsmiths.
Hahahaha.. Take that. :P
Ok. Now the word 'gold' is weirding me out. Like. I type and read it so much that it has become not - normal already. gold. gold. gold. gold. gold. gold.
To me it looks like it has the wrong spelling. Because you can't start a word with ld. as in ld. ld. gold. gold gold gold. gah. gold.
no matter how many times i type it out, it doesn't look like itself anymore. gold. i can't even make a sentence with this word. gold. goooold. wah. it looks even weirder like that.
Just. excuse the. ah. uhm.
A couple of minutes ago I picked up and read a memo the Ministry of Health had sent us about the automatic inclusion of Muslims in Singapore as organ donors.
Me : Eh. So now all Muslims need to give up their organs unless they opt out.
Huda : Yah..
Me : Did you know that you can donate your corneas?
*5 seconds of silence as Huda looks at me*
Huda : Er, you mean now?
*10 seconds of silence*
Me : OH MY GOD. Can don't be like this can anot????????
Disclaimer :
I fault today's tea/teh tarik/ berry d' treasure binge for making me all.. wonky cross. (that's a word only fans of Ron would know.)
Sometimes I think I'm partially dyslexic. And maybe I am. And maybe that's why gold looks like such a weird word.
The meeting today went well.. Ahha.. I was 3 points away from a hundred points, but it's okay; I already meant to be there on Thursday night to do my callings. Again. Har.
I have discovered MORE things for me to do. Weeeooowww. But it's okay. I'm having a wonderful time at work, and even though it's hectic, even though I'm running around Singapore like a maniac, it's all worth it when I present everything I've done for the week during the meeting.
It kinda gives you the satisfaction that you've done something really really well. :)
B&R have taken to JUMPING out of their house. They are driving me MAD. I was late for work today because I was busily constructing a kind of cardboard fence which is higher than their current wall-house. (Bob told me how much she liked the idea of the fence when she hung on to it for dear life after jumping to catch hold of the top.)
It's annoying when I open mum's bedroom door and see Bob merrily licking the waterbowl (not the water) 2 feet away and outside of her house. And Rahul is mewing loudly because he has a big butt and all he can do is jump toward the wall and not over it.
Kittens are inquisitive creatures indeed. My kittens peer up when they see us entering mum's bedroom in all hours of the day. (They can't sleep 24/7 anymore.) The slightest noise (or poke) wakes them up.
(and now dad thinks Rahul is a girl too. -_- make up your mind can anot.)
HAHA. Rahuli/Rahula/Rahulian.
Okie dokie. Packing up. I think? Hmm. Maybe not. I'll see what else I can do.
Haha. I woke up groggy, then decided that going back to sleep would be a good idea.
I had a major hangover, and it wasn't due to booze. Haha.
Saturday was having a picnic with the boy's primary school people (where I played frisbee like a maniac) and then we had a late dinner with the boy's nie peeps.
Gahaaha. And Saf and Adi just left after spending about an hour here playing with my cats and going through my dvd collection (if you can call it that).
I have been 'promised' a changi/ubin trip next Saturday, but we'll see how that goes down.
And now Huda and I are watching "uppercase E, lowercase d".
Bob has now found the outside world to be really really interesting and can't stop trying to get out of her house. -_- And she doesn't stop trying even though the sides of her house are slippery and it's difficult to get out.
Rahul on the other hand is much happier sleeping inside the house. He yells and yells when someone picks him up. And then his mum comes along and scolds everybody for waking up her precious son. -_- Ah well.
Tmr is a holiday for everybody except me. Gah. I have to be at Bugis by 9am. It's lucky that my meeting's on Tuesday afternoon. I don't think I will be able to survive a meeting tmr. Er. I hope it's not tmr. *taps chin*
Ok. Now I'm watching Carol being a toot. Hah. I hate Carol.
*beams wide wide* So lomantic can anot. He 'latched' on to her! Woo hoo!
And here I am, supposedly doing work. Bahahaha. Joke tha!
And yah. Hahaha. I have no explanations for this. I LOVE IT! Hahahahahaa. Watch out for the idiot who repeats his lines twice. Hahahahaa..
Like Hakim says, "Wah. Kia tiger. Wah. Kia tiger." Hahahaha..
Priceeeless. "You shotgun? Me Quick-gun Murugan!" BAHAHAHA.
Ok. I'm sorry. Haiz. Back to endowments and such. :D
Yes, it is Bollywood fever at my house. Haha. Ok lah. Maybe just me and Huda. (and yet the boys are also watching Om Shanti Om at least once in two days. Hahaha..)
Hello world. haha. Wah. So long since I've blogged. Gah.
This week has been super super packed. Appointments and work and not much else.
I even squeezed a Bollywood dance class into my day today.
And it was funnnnnnnnnnn!
The kittens are getting bigger. Bob's head actually grew bigger. And she fell out of her box about two days ago. -_- Rahul has his dad's bad habits, like licking unknown objects.
I am sleepy right now. Wow.
Ok. Considering I want to go for a 715am class tmr. Hmmm..
Gah. And I want my money back. Really really. It pissed me off because I wanted the money, and it wasn't at hand. And I thought I got robbed.
Hmm. Well, I did actually if you think about it. gah. I hope it will all be sorted out tmr.
Met up with Aisyah and Nad and Elly today. Hahaha.. 2 hour apppointments each lah seh. Crazy. But anyways. I missed them and I'm so glad I got to spend time with them.
And I just sprained my hand in the most weirdest way possible. Haha. Nevermind. It's sprained and you don't need to know the details.
Ok. I should sleep. But disturbingly, Amitabh Bachan is keeping sis and me up. -_-
Okok. I'm going to sleep. Because the boy has gone to sleep too. night world!