And.. I think they like, only had two songs that I liked? :P
But it's a great song.
/I cannot help it if I think you're funny when you're mad I'm trying hard not to smile though I feel bad I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral Can't understand what I mean? You soon will I have a tendency to wear my mind On my sleeve I have a history of taking off my shirt/
Because the thoughts in my head are going round and round and round. And even Rahul is staring at me. -_- I wish he wouldn't. It's not healthy for his eyes.
On to happier stuff, yesterday was a simple enough picnic at Fort Canning Park, where we accidentally gatecrashed the World Aids Day concert rehersal (hahahahhaha. stoopid.) and didn't see neither Hady Mirza nor Stephanie Sun - just a bunch of their backup dancers. I think. Haha.
Wanted to take pictures of the Cupolas, but the security guard insisted ever-so-nicely that we had to get the heck out of there or he would bodily throw us out. (that last was an exaggeration. he sounded more like a tour guide.)
So yesterday we had our low budget date, which consisted mainly of me jabbering away, slurping at a Ben & Jerry's ice cream tub (because the pandais we were, we forgot to get spoons), getting high on Yan Yan biscuits and S'mores. Farhan was of course just snapping away. Haha.
We even found a group of Indian workers (i think) who were, for some reason, having a party at the premier of The Nutcracker, and getting their faces painted. Which I DO NOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME UNDERSTAND.
All in all, an extremely enjoyable date, given that we started out late, and didn't know where the heck we wanted to go. Hahaha.
Ok. Pictures another time. My bag and camera are too far away. And I think my eyes are finally falling asleep.
Haha. I've been watching this series on youtube and i just cannot angkat can? Genius genius show. I LOVE IT.
:) Here's a highlight.
Haha. Silly billy quiz, and a marriage proposal in the middle.
This is part 3/6, and 2nd part of a two part episode. :D Kalau tak paham takper. Tengok je. Hahaha.
Ok Night.
(and thank you for the simple picnic today. it was awesome-ish-kedebabom.)
Hana Last Blogged At
3:19 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Look What the Stork Brought In
The past week has been, in a word, merciless.
Jisoo gave birth to five kittens, but we lost One the next day.
So the ones that are left are, in order of birth, Two, Three, Four and Five.
And because I didn't want to jinx their lives, I avoided giving them names. I just call them Two, Three, Four and Five.
Believe me. Two nights ago, I decided to call Five - Mambo Number Five. And not ten minutes later the kiddo was screaming and screaming. And dad was in a panic because after he finished screaming he just went limp in dad's hands. -_-
So dramatic that one.
He's okay now - dad decided that he just likes to cry a lot. I.e : He complains a lot. And that that first night he threw his first tantrum, he was having a nightmare.
I didn't know kittens could have nightmares. -_-
And it's getting on my nerves. (why are the black ones always the strange ones?)
Yes, Five (we changed it back to Five) is black. Here's a picture.
I think he just wants to prove to the world that there is someone more nonsensical, contrary and bossy than Me. -_-
Things he has had me done for him today :
1) Change all the cloths in their house (ok. maybe this was done for Jisoo.) 2) Rescue him from the side of the box where he got stuck in because he's Mr Adventurous. 3) Rescue him from the space behind his mother's back, because he climbed up on his mum's body and practically threw himself over the edge and landed in a hole. urgh. 4) Move his brothers and sisters away so that he can have milk all for his own. (and scream while doing it.) 5) Probably complain that there was no milk left.
And he is the most stubborn kitten I've ever met. He refuses to BE like other kittens. While the others are usually sleeping, Mr Five walks around his house, and even sits on his hind legs. He's 80% always on his two front feet. And when he falls asleep, he just timbers to his side. HE IS SO WEIRDDDDDDDDDDD.
Ok. Enough about Five. I just wanted to rant because he made me do so many things. And because he's weird.
Here are pictures of the others!
Two and One were the only white ones of the bunch this time. Last batch, Jisoo had three white ones (which will never change colour no matter what dad says) and the tips of their ears and noses have changed colour to black. haha.
Three and Four look so alike that I might have cheated and only put Three or Four's picture. (i.e both are of the same cat.) But whatever. I can't tell now. I'll wait for them to develop personalities like Five. Of different faces. Heh.
Ok. Now I can go back to my life. (or Five's. Urgh.)
More pictures on Facebook! And if you don't have mine by now, that's too bad!!!
I don't like to think that there are ELEVEN cats and kits at my house right now.
Time Management Games! (I WANT TURBO PIZZA/SUB/FIESTA!)
The brilliant idiocy of Brothers 2, 4 and 5 in Fable.
Kittens! (I heard Mambo No. 5 is on Sale)
Strawberry Tea
Bryan Adams
America's Next Top Model (which just finished it's 11th Cycle Boo Mckey)
Eh ok penat. Bye.
Hana Last Blogged At
9:20 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Woo! 22 minutes to 12
Highlights of my day, in reverse :
I walked all by my one-sy from Raffles Place to Dhoby Ghaut - without getting lost. Muahaha. Beat that!
Before that, I did two hours of hot yoga and bollywood dance (where I just ended up looking confused because I'm not a regular in that class, but whatever)
Before that, I was at Plaza Sing for a job interview.
Before that, I fell asleep at 4am to the sounds of Back To The Future 2.
Before that, 4 of us were still up watching Back To The Future 1. I simply love Marty McFly and his purple Calvin Klein underwear.
And before that, I was doing exactly what I'm doing now. :) Surfing the net.
Ok. Dah. Penat. And I have to do other... stuff.
Good night! (unless I'm back to post lovely pictures of myself. hahahaha.)
I noticed last night that Friendster was down. So I did a google blog-search about it - and it turns out that it's been down since Friday? Haha. Or Saturday - whatever.
And apparently a lot of accounts had friends who have disappeared! Wahaha.. I read one blog which moaned and groaned about the leceh-ness of adding back all his 200++ friends.
Haha. Poor poor friendster users. I'm kinda glad I moved to Facebook.
Friendster lost all it's charm when the Kids invaded it (yes, I'm talking about kids who have five or six accounts on Friendster because they're oh so pretty/handsome [aDd mE In mY nEw aCcOuNt $&^@%*@ - III!!~]) and caused the number of Friendster accounts to swell up to 85 million. (hehehe.)
And why's this? Friendster has a limit to the number of friends you can add - all 500 of them. Which goes to show that Friendster thinks that it's physically impossible for you to know more than 500 people in real life who actually have an internet connection.
Hahaha. That said, I don't get people who add people they don't know on Friendster/Facebook/ etc. When I say 'they-don't-know' these people, I mean people that you've NEVER met PHYSICALLY in your life before.
It's SOOO strange that you just take in whoever you want into your virtual life just because they flatter you on your profile. (ThAnK$ fOr aDdiNG mE!~) Haha. I noticed that Testimonials became Comments - because kids don't know what a testimonial is -_-
In conclusion, I have a message to all the kiddos in Friendster : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!~
Today, the best boy in the world treated me to VIP tickets to Avenue Q, where he let me jump around and bop in my seat to the tunesofavenuequuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu weliveonavenuequuuuuuuuuuuuuu!~
And if that wasn't enough, he ALSO bought me the TSHIRT and the Soundtrack! Safe to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself. :)
(and Huda is jealous as hell. Muahahahaha.)
Thank you so so much for this advanced-giler birthday present. *beams wide wide*
:D And here's the namesake of my teeshirt (and one of my fav songs) from the show. Enjoy!~
Cristina : There's a club. The Dead Dads Club. And you can't be in it till you're in it. You can try to understand, you can sympathize, but until you feel that loss - My dad died when I was nine.
George, I'm really sorry you had to join the club.
George : I.. I don't know how to exist in a world where my dad doesn't.
Cristina : Yeah, that never really changes.
I think I need to add Grey's Anatomy DVDs to my birthday wishlist. Someone LOST my seasons 1 2 and 3... and 4. Urgh.
Bila masa ntah this font changed to Arial. I hate that font.
Anyways, here's my birthday Wishlist! (something that dear Farhan Suhada has been privy to since the beginning of time. Hahahaha.)
1) Sculpey Clay - 10 Colours Pack!
The good news for me/bad news for you : Mum already got this for me. Muahahaha.. Thank you many many!! I love you!
All is not lost lah horh. There are still MORE colours for you to purchase for me! :D:D:D:D Nak belikan the small little sets also cannnnnnnn. I'm not picky. I love clay!
2) Yellow Converse Sneakers
As in CONVERSE ALL STARS YELLOW sneakers. Some pointers :
I know it's next to impossible to find it in Singapore - unless you're a size 8 or 10. HMPH.
Haha. As (ALL) of my siblings pointed out, I can probably get another brand in the same colour. But I want converse leiii. *pouts* But if don't have boh pian right. Haha..
I love you all for your obvious effort in trying to procure me said sneakers. *hugs* Points for effort!
3) Scrapbook materials!
Here is my favourite shop! I just love the stuff there. Hahaha. And I don't care what you feel like getting me - stickers, brads, papers, albums, cardboard, etc etc etc - chances are, you'll buy their stuff too. LOL.
The Rubbish some Travel Agents get from their customers :
I had someone ask for an aisle seats so that his or her hair wouldn't get messed up by being near the window.
I got a call from a woman who wanted to go to Capetown. I started to explain the length of the flight and the passport information when she interrupted me with "I'm not trying to make you look stupid, but Capetown is in Massachusetts. "Without trying to make her look like the stupid one, I calmly explained, "Capecod is in Massachusetts, Capetown is in Africa." Her response ... click.
Today was a misadventure.
But it turned out all right.
Thank you mother dearest for the advanced birthday present! Woo hoo! *raises arms high high* She bought me 10 packs of clay from artfriend! Wheeeeeee!~
(which reminds me that I have to put up my wishlist - I have many siblings - so they all know what to get me. heh heh.)
Ok. That's all there is! There isn't, anymore. (tennet.)
I wanted to write a really deep and moving piece about The Blog, or Blogging in General, but I find that I do not have the skill for it. (thinking about it made me puke.) This blogpost came to me because I was bloghopping and I came across a lot of girl blogs and I actually found myself laughing at, well, ALL of them.
Haha. Hence this will just be a pointer piece about things I find in the blogosphere, particularly female bloggers, that I deem super super amusing (or irritating - however you wanna look at it).
1) When female bloggers b*tch about each other.
The words thrown at each other are just - whacked. The person who gets verbally abused on someone-someone's website, retaliate on their own and it gets dirtier and dirtier until one of them calls it quits and states publicly in her blog that she is not as infantile as the other one and all this fighting is a waste of her 'bloody' time.
Er. Right.
Oh yes, and calling her all those names in your 50++ posts isn't infantile.
And most of the time - the person who seemingly started the verbal abuse wasn't even talking about the 'hurt' party. The 'hurt' party just thinks they are.
And then lo'! Blog war.
2) Female bloggers who NEVER understand that what they put in their blogs are for the ENTIRE world to see.
I once came across a blog that kept insisting for people to shut up and that she doesn't care about what they say and that if they don't like what she talks about in her blog they should stop going there and what's the big deal about talking about it anyway? It's her blog and blah blah blah blah...
I thought her highly amusing. :) (and you'll be surprised. A LOT OF GIRLS blog like that.)
Girlfriend, (we are going to do this the minah way) the more amusing you are - especially when you rant - the more people are going to come to your blog - which is what you secretly in the deep recesses in your heart - want anyway. Haha. I'd quit b*tching about it if I were you. All the woe is me, so and so is talking about me and it makes me feel so sad. It gets damn old.
What I'd do if I were you :
a) Pretend so and so is talking about someone else.
b) Secretly b*tch about it in your PRIVATE blog - one that NOBODY sees.
3) Bloggers who do nothing but talk about their hair and their makeup and their shopping and their shoes and their.. you get my drift.
Haha. And yes, maybe some of you reading this will start going - that's totally not fair! It's irrelevant! It's scandalous! How dare you belittle me for liking to talk about those things! I am a girl! Those are my needs! And blah blah blah..
Ok. Whatever.
Yes, I am not as girly as most of the girls I know. I prefer to talk about pictures and outings and happiness and light and warmth and harry potter and the latest Korean drama....
wait a second! that DOES make me a girly girl!
Haha. Again. I KNOW you can write about whatever the hell you want to write. And I KNOW that it's my fault for reading (and being amused) about you waiting for X hours for your hair to dry - really who asked me to read about that?
Is asking you to write about something SUBSTANTIAL occuring in YOUR LIFE so difficult to ask?
Or maybe something funny. I'm not picky. :)
4) I wanted to write a point 4, but at this point, I might have to break this post in more parts when i find more things to talk about. Hahaha. (or was this a b**** post in itself? hahahahahhaahah.)
ok. That's it folks. And to be safe, here's a disclaimer for all you people with no sense of humour.
Disclaimer : This blogpost isn't meant for ANYBODY i know. Haha. Please read the top paragraph before you jump the gun. But if you're the female(s) I'm talking about and this post highly offends you - because you don't have a sense of humour - then feel free to do whatever it is you do. (see point 1)
He takes the time to go out with his girlfriend, and his girlfriend's girlfriends, on his girlfriend's girlfriend's birthday, JUST to have fun and take pictures of 5 mad girls. :D:D:D:D
And here is his work!
I loveeee this photo lah can? Hehehehe...
And again!
Then we headed to our Siloso photoshoot!
This was just before we went to Sentosa!
(Farhan is tres genius.)
And now, my ultimate FAVOURITE ONE from Mr Farhan :
Click picture for best view!
:D I hope you had a wonderful time babe! I know WE did. Hahahaha.. And like I was telling Aida - tiap2 tahun aku celebrate birthday kau! Best!! Hehehehe!
(and i love this photo too - lepas dah ambik kena marah. Hahahaha... Tak glam langsung!)
So thank you Mr Farhan, for being the wonderful boyfriend that you are. :D:D:D
(and the last photo was taken by me horh. jangan buat malu k! Canon still good TAU!)