Sunday, August 29, 2004
haha... i think we passed Cavenagh Bridge around 4 times... AIyoh!!
Hana Last Blogged At
11:36 PM
Farhan and what i call his HUH?!?! look... Hahaha...
Hana Last Blogged At
11:35 PM
Hahaha... Farhan was trying out the Fireworks effect.... Coolness... hehehe...
Hana Last Blogged At
11:31 PM
Hahaa... I had a wonderful time today...
Me, Cikgu and Farhan went to Comex... AGAIN.
She bought an I-Pod... GOODIES! and me and Farhan just walked around while she looked at shtuff...
Then we went to Esplanade, (AGAIN!) and had Ice cream Fondue (is that how it's spelt?) Hahaha... Nice...
Lalalalala.... Can't remember much of today lah.... haha... COnstant ringing in my ear... And a bit of a headache...
So... that's it.. Hahaha... Will post some pics... Lalala...
HAve a WONDERFUL day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: hahaha... love you...
Hana Last Blogged At
11:19 PM
LALALALALA... Beautiful, beautiful dayyy....
Hehehhe... Let's see.... There are currently 10 kids... (yes, count them) TEN kids in my house.... Hahahaha... 5 slept over... Khehehehe.... Yeah... My cuzzsies.... And they've been up since Subuh... Ya Allah...
Yeah... It's because my house has a sinfully LARGE amount of things to play with... Like RABBITS and KEY BOARDS not to mention the X BOX and somehow.. Lots and lots of TOY SWORDS..... Oh yeah... Don't forget the SUPER SOAKERS... Hahahaha...
I spent the whole of yesterday with Farhan... Hahaha.. *YAAAAAAYYYY* Khehehehe... He fetched me from SIM and we went to town to get C.C!!! Yaay... Hahahaha.. Sorry Fi... *shrugs* Hahahaha... Next week kay? Then we walked around to get my darling Sweets bday pressie... Hahahahaha... Which she already knows about 'cause I called her, and Cikgu Wiyah's Teachers' Day pressie.... Hahahahaha... Yeah, those who haven't bought anything.... You know what to do....
After the shopping we went to Commex... Hahahahaha... Packed lah... Khehehehe... My mum was there too, with ALL my aunties... Hahahaha... *tries to remember whether Farhan paled* Hahahahah.... Yeah, but we didn't see them... The place was too packed... Thought of meeting my mum, so i called her and she told me she was at level four.
But of course when I reached level 4, she was at level one... Hahahhaa... How smashing... heh heh....
Soon after we went to the ESPLANADE!!!! WAHAHAHAH... *sees Farhan look at her in horror* Hahahaha... Yeah, there's this quaint little shop there which sells movie merchandise!!!!!! *wipes froth from her mouth* LOL.. Yeah... And OF COURSE i went and got a Harry Potter poster!!!!!! Wahahahahahahaha.... *hugs Farhan* Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!
Then ride home on a PACKED bus. Hahahaha.. Yeah... Pancit seh. Hehehe... I had on HEELS... And the bus circled Bukit Panjang and many ppl STILL did not choose to get down. GRR. Hahaha... *shrugs* You win some you lose some...
Hahahaha... Going out to celebrate an early Teachers' Day with Cikgu Wiyah later today... Hahahhaha... ANd OF COURSE bringing Farhan along... Wahahaha... I LIKE! *winks*
Sheeeeash... The constant ringing in my ear hasn't cleared up. *feels helpless* It's like, i hear robotic sounds. Aish. It's blocked i think. GRRRR..... *wrenches ear from her head* Haha... Aiyoh.
Um, okie lah.. Hahahah.. That's all... Hmmm... Hahahha...
See you ppl!!! MIsss ALLLL of you!!!!!!
Have a bEA-U-TifUL day!!!!!!!
YOU: Thank you for all the days we've spent together.. Hahaha... I mean literally... together... Hahahah... You're wonderful. *hugs*
Hana Last Blogged At
10:04 AM
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Hey World!!!
Lalala... Vegetating.. Waiting for tuition hour to come.. heh heh... Lalala... Hearing the GROSS sounds of the frist Bachelor... Ergh... *whiny voice* "This is the happiest moment of my life!" Bleargh... Hahahhahaa
Had a LONG LONG phone call last night.. Khehehehe... Wah lau... He's like zombiefied right now.. Wahahaha... Sowwie...
Hmmm... Still haven't gotten started on my Banking and Econs tutorial.. *frowns* Sheeesh.. Maybe do it during tuition.. Hahaha...
Okie lah, have nothing much to say...
Be Happy!!!!
You: Em... Hahaha.. Nothing.. Hahahahhaa.. Check out multiply... *muacks*
Random quotes:
You listen to me. (kneels in front of her) I've been alive a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I prefer you didn't. I don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain. So I make a lot of mistakes, a lot of wrong bloody calls. (looks into her eyes) A 100+ years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of: you. (Buffy looks away; he reaches toward her face) Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. (a tear rolls down Buffy's cheek) I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
Hana Last Blogged At
12:59 PM
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Harlow world!!
Hahaha... I *ehem* accidentally stumbled onto this site where this person collects MSN nicks... Wahahahaha... Wait.. Oh, yeah it says for ppl to just use them.. Hahaha...
"Before you criticise someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.. That way when you criticise them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes..."
Hehehe.. Good crap she/he 's got... Hahaha... AND she's got a point.. Hahaha...
Let's see.. Hahaha.. Oh, i stayed in school till quite late yesterday... Hahaha... And did my *gasps audibly* ACCOUNTS tutorial... Wahahaha.. SO proud of myself... I think Uni does that to you... Yeeks... Only 3 weeks in and I'm doing tutorials? *horrified look*
Wahahaha.. Which reminds me of my Econs and Banking shtuff... *pouts*
So i stayed in school, did my homework... Hahaha... And met Farhan after that... hahaha... He sends me home a LOT.... *YAAAAYYYY* Wahahaha... Think last week was a record or something... hahaha...
"Everyone says you fall in love once, but that's not true!! Everytime I hear your voice I fall in love all over again..."
*enjoys the sound of all her buddies puking* *smirks*
Hahahaha... Currently listening to California by Phantom Planet... Haha.. It rocks.. Yeah.. The sound track for OC... Yippeee... hahahhaa...
Sweets: So is this week's C.C on? hahahaa... 'Cause i think your week's packed.. Sheeessshhh... Hahahahaha.. Take time off lah dear... You're going to die under all that weight... I mean it... :X
"...don't underestimate the knowledge of stupid people..."
Lol... Yeah... Am reading while thinking what to type.. Hahaha...
Okie lah.. Looks like a long entry.. hahaha...
Take care: all you ppl i love... *hugs all around*
~If I could be an angel,
I'd make your every wish come true,
but I am only human,
Just a girl who's loving you~
P.S: Of course these words are not mine... Hahahahahahaa... *looks at the mess of puke her friends have left behind* *sniggers sniggers sniggers*
To the rest of the world:
"People say life is short.
I say I'm shorter.."
*snorts with laughter*
Hana Last Blogged At
1:40 PM
Monday, August 23, 2004
Hahahaa.. I'm SO sorry for no updates you guys..
To all the ppl who've tagged... Thanks!! *bright smile*
Please know that i miss you all, and haha.. i've been quite busy with school work and em, fast food outlets.. *winks*
To Ron: hahaha.. The Mrs Nat King Cole story.. was from an email.. yeah.. so.. Haha.. Thanks for the add anyways... Hope i'll get time to check it out!
To my cousins and siblings who visit this blog: hahahaha... ape korang buat kat sini hah???? Hehehehe... Love you guys.. Take care..
To Farhan Suhada: hahahaha... no words are needed... Hahahaa.. you know, i know, we know.......... Khehehehe...
To my Fiza....: hahaha.. cheer up laydeee.... It ain't the end of the world.... Just give me a call whenever you need me yeah? *gives her a hug* hahahaha.. C.C on Friday... ahh... maybe quite late at night.. ahaha.. cos ada job ah pat lakeside... yeah... hahaha... i'll tell you on thursday..
To the rest of the world: Hehehe... Be NICE! Smile, be happpppyyyyyy!!!!!! LALALALALA....
You: Yesterday: Best: Happy...haha... you know what... Bubye.....
Signing off
Hana Last Blogged At
11:37 AM
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Five (5) lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.
1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.
"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello".
I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.
2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the RainOne night, at 11.30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.
She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached.. It read: "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."
Sincerely,Mrs. Nat King Cole.
3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10 -year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table.
A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.
"Fifty cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.
"Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired. By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient. "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied. The little boy again counted his coins.
"I'll have the plain ice cream," he said. The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left.
When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. there, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies.. You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!
Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.
5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts.Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.
I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice,
"Will I start to die right away?"
Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.
"Work like you don't need the money,
love like you've never been hurt,
and dance like you do when nobody's watching."
NOW more than ever - Peace.
Pass It On.....Pay It Forward
This was an email sent to me... Haha.. Niceee...
Hana Last Blogged At
2:33 PM
Hellow World...
I know.. Haven't been updating lately.. *small smile* sowwie.. hahaha.. haven't really been in the mood for it..
School's fun, hehe.. I love school..
Haha.. For recent updates.. Check out Farhan's blog.. Khehehehe...
Bleargh... Econs consultation at 4 to 6... haha..
And he's going to come pick me up later!! *smirks* Bestnyer!!! hehehe..
La di daaa...
Have a great week ppl!!!
*hugs for everyone*
Hana Last Blogged At
2:15 PM
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I love you.
Now that's a thing no self-respecting twelve-year-old would say to a girl.
Well, you couldn't really, could you? Not when she was the most beautiful girl in the class. In the school. In the country. In the whole world. In those days I would have said the whole universe.
A skinny, dorky kid like me couldn't have said it to her.
Here I am, a grown man. Twenty-one years old and my stomach still gets the wobbles when I think about Fay.
Maybe it's because I might see her again. In five minutes or so.
See, we buried a time capsule in the wall of the old school. And Mr Wheeler made us promise to come back exactly nine years later. When all the kids would be twenty-one years old. I feel a bit foolish actually. Probably no one else will turn up. They will have forgotten. I'll be the only idiot there. And I've flown all the way out from England.
I turned my car into Brewer Road. Soon I'll be at the school. Everything looks different. Where did all those office blocks come from? The old park has gone. And the fish and chip shop. And the pond where we used to catch frogs.
Oh, oh, oh. No. It isn't. It can't be. It must be a mistake. Look what they have done. No, no, no.
The school is not there.
There's a dirty big shopping centre. With a car park and thousands of cars. Signposts. Balloons. Loud speakers. Escalators. Security guards.
They have pulled down the school and the trees and the bike shed. They have pulled down my dreams and built a nightmare.
I park my car and wander in through the huge doors. Jaws more like it. I ride the escalators to the top of the mall and look down at the fountain far below. There are hundreds of shoppers. People sipping coffee, staring into windows, pushing trolleys, dragging children, carrying parcels.
There is no one digging out a time capsule from a school wall. There is no one from Grade Six at Bentleigh West State School. And even if there was I couldn't recognise them.
All I have left is memories.
I think back and remember what I wrote when I was twelve. The letter I put in the time capsule. The letter that has gone forever. That no one will read. The letter I wrote to a girl I will never see again.
Dear Fay,
My Mum and Dad are moving to England. So it looks like I will never see you again. Not till I'm twenty-one, anyway. And that's ancient Anyway, that's how old you will be when you get this letter. If you are there. When they dig out the time capsule, I mean.
I will be there for sure.
I feel stupid writing this. But no one will know. If Luke Jeffries knew, he would give me heaps. So would his nerdy mates. They pick on me.Just because I have freckles. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.
My first day at this school was awful. I knew I would cop it. I'm not like you. See, you're the netball captain. You are good at everything. You get A's for every subject. The teachers always pick you to do jobs. They hold up your work out the front.
You are good-looking. No - scrub that. You are better than that. I'll tell you what I think about you.It will be all right because no one will read this until the time capsule is opened.
You are gorgeous. If I was the cat, you would be the cream. If I were a dog, you would be the bone. If I was a rock you would be the waterfall running over me.
You are the top and I'm the bottom. I'm not any good at anything. Except drawing. Mum says I'm a good drawer.
Anyway, I'm getting off track. I want to tell you about my first day of school. There I was standing out the front with nowhere to sit. In the end, I had to choose Mr Wheeler's chair. He said, 'You can sit there for the present.'
Everyone gawked at me. You were the only one who smiled.
When the bell went I stayed on my seat. Mr Wheeler said, ' What are you waiting for, Ben?'
I said, 'I'm waiting for the present.'
Everyone packed up. They all laughed like mad. Except you. My face was burning, I can tell you that. Talk about embarrassing.
After that my problems just got bigger and bigger. I couldn't get out what I was thinking.
When they picked on me, I couldn't say a thing.
I would like you to be my friend. But you are popular, and I'm not.
You sit at the desk in front of me. Your ponytail hangs down and swishes across my books. It is gold like the tail of an angel's horse. I would like to touch it but of course I never would.
My stomach goes all wobbly when I look at you. I wanted to give you something. But I didn't have any money. Mum is always broke. 'Make something,' she said. 'It's the thought that counts. If you want to give a present make it yourself.'
Well, it was coming to Easter so I decided to draw on an Easter egg. Seeing as how I am good at drawing.
I got out an egg and put a little hole in each end. Then I blew out all the insides and started painting.
Three weeks. That's how long it took. I sat up every night until Mum went crook and made me put out the light. It was going to be the best egg ever in the history of the world. I painted rabbits. And a gnome with a fishing rod. And a heart with your initials on it. All covered in flowers.
Mum reckoned it was a ripper. 'Ben,' she said. 'That is beautiful. It is the most lovely Easter egg I have ever seen.'
So I wrapped it up in cotton wool and put it in a box.
Then I start to get scared. What if you didn't like it? What if you showed everyone and they laughed? What if you laughed?
Oh geeze. I'm scared, Fay. I'm glad you won't get this till I'm twenty-on.
It turned out worse than I thought.
As soon as I walked in the school gate, I was in trouble. Luke Jeffries grabbed the box. 'Look at this,' he yelled. 'Ben has a cute little egg for Fay. I wonder why?'
All the kids gave me heaps. They really rubbished me. 'Give it back,' I whispered. My face was burning like an oven.
Luke Jeffries threw the box on the ground. 'This is an egg,' he said. 'So we will hatch it.' He sat down on the box and clucked like a hen. The egg was smashed to bits.
I turned around and went for it. I just ran and ran and ran. I didn't care about wagging school. I didn't care about anything. Except a present for you.
I ran into the kitchen and grabbed another egg. There was no time to blow it out. There was no time to paint rabbits and gnomes and things. I put on the boiling water to hard-boil an egg. Then I tipped in some dye.
And that's when it happened. I was angry and rushing around. I slipped over with the saucepan in my hands. The water sloshed onto my cheeks. Oh, the pain. Oh, my face was burning. Oh, it hurt. I'm not sook. But I screamed and screamed and screamed.
I didn't remember anything else till I woke up in hospital.
My face still burned. But I couldn't touch it. I was wearing a mask. Bandages. I looked like a robber. There were little holes for my mouth and eyes and nostrils.
'Your face will be okay,' said Mum. 'But you will have to wear the mask for a long time while it heals.'
'I'm not going to school like this. No way.'
'You have to,' said Mum. You have to wear the mask for six months or your face won't heal properly.'
So I walked in the classroom late. Looking like a burglar. With my mask on.
No one laughed.
Because someone else was just like me.
Not burned. But just sitting there with a mask around your face.
Where did you get it? I don't know. And you kept on wearing it for weeks.
And I have never said thank you. And tomorrow my parents are moving to England. I want you to know that I... No, scrub that.
You will get this when they dig up the time capsule. I want you to know that I... No, I just can't get it out.
Yours sincerely... No, scrub that.
Yours with thanks... No, scrub that.
Aw, what the heck...
Well that's what I wrote all those years ago. Something like that anyway. And here I am exactly nine years later. In the shopping centre. The school has gone. There is no Mr Wheeler and his grown-up class here to open the time capsule.
There is just me and a million shoppers. I can't even tell where the school was. It would take half an hour to walk from one end of the centre to another.
My face healed up a long time ago. I don't have any scars. I should feel happy, but the school has been kncked down. And there is no time capsule with my letter in it. I guess the bulldozers must have uncovered it. Or, it could still be buried, deep under the shops and fountains and car parks. Maybe some of the letters inside were sent to kids. Who knows? No one would have been able to contact me - on the other side of the world.
One of the other kids might be here in the shopping centre. Maybe, like me, they have come because they didn't know the school was knocked down. But I would never recognise them. Not after all these years. Not now that we are grown.
I make my way sadly through the happy shoppers. I don't notice the shouting and jostling and laughing. I reach the door.
And for a moment my heart misses a beat.
For standing there I see something that takes me back in time. Silently standing by the door is a person wearing a burns bandage on her face. Children are staring at her.They shouldn't do that. Neither should I. But my heart is beating fast and I don't know what I am doing.
The woman's eyes meet mine and slowly she starts to take off the bandage. The children gasp. As do I as her hair falls down behind her like the golden tail of an angel's horse.
Just for a moment I am twelve again. I catch my breath. My stomach wobbles.
I stare at the woman in front of me.
I know that my life is going to be happy. Because she is smiling the biggest smile.
Just like me.
Taken from Paul Jenning's: Just Like Me... It's HIS!!!! NOT MINE!!!!!
Hahaha.. Yeah.. Sowwie lah.. Lazy to blog... Hahahahah.. Ended up doing that... Hehehe... Take care ppl..
All my love to the World!!!! *kisses for the Missed...*
Hana Last Blogged At
10:50 PM
Monday, August 09, 2004
Haha... I watched The Village again.. At home this time...Okie, more like a DVD marathon lah yesterday... Watched i, Robot, then Mean Girls, then The Village.... Hahaha.. I went to bed at like, 2.... Khhehee... Thanks to my new DVD supplies... Yessss...... Hahahaha... Bought a few more DVDs to add to my DVD shop... Hahaha...
'Cause i went to JB yesterday... yeah... Hehehe.. With my 2 aunts... Spent the whole day there... haha.. *tired out actually*
What did you guys think of the
NDP? Hahaha... Erm... all i really liked were the Fireworks display... yeah... I appreciate what all those ppl involved did, but seriously? it didn't really reach out to me.. *shrugs* Maybe it's just me... Watching endless shapes and everything... Yes, i know it's not easy to accomplish, but do we have to watch it year after year? Haha... *scratches her head* *shrugs*
Then watched Singapore Idol...... *speechless look* Hahaha... I have nothing to say... I hear good comments, I hear bad comments... I'm not going to say the show rocked lah... But it wasn't as bad as i had expected i guess.. Hahaha... I thought Lemon Tree guy was hilarious though... Oh, and i think the girl judge (florence or something) tries too hard to be Simon Cowell... Yeah... Her barbs just.... Hurt. Hahaha... Bottom line :
Haha.. I read some bad reviews about the Village... Hahhaah... I got irritated funnily enough... Some ppl didn't understand the movie and said it was boring... Hahahaha... I SCOFF at that! hahahaha... *shakes head* Ah well.. I feel so much better now... Hehehehe...
Oh, yeah... Happy Birthday SIngapore.. Hahahaha...
Take care ppl... Till whenever... Adios~
All my
LOVE to the World!!! And to You of course!!! keep smiling dear..
Hana Last Blogged At
11:34 PM
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Went to see
The Village with Farhan yesterday... *sniggers sniggers sniggers*
Shall i tell you guys the twist? Shall i? Shall i?
Haha.. I'm not that big of a sadist lah... Hahaha... Maya gave it a
6 out of 5.... And... I'll have to agree with her... Seriously, you guys won't see it coming...
Oh, Farhan came to crash at SIM yesterday too... Hahahaha... Sat in on my Math 1 lecture.. Hahahaha.. Hilarious.. *farhan glares at her* Mrs mEEna, my lecturer started going around checking our workings and my Hero.. Hmm.. Was kinda worried... *sniggers* Hahahahaha... Poor guy... The only lecture he sits in, and the teacher thinks it's a good idea to walk around and inspect the class... Hahahaha...
I love
Hahaha.. My mum is set to let me graduate in
LONDON when i get my degree!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!!! *cough cough cough*
Hahaha... Yeah... I am FREAKING excited... Hahaha.. And that is of course my main incentive to work hard and get First Class Honours... Hahahhaa... Which is possible in 3 years... YAAY...
Okie... That's all for today... I still don't get to use the comp... Hahaha... *shrugs* Only on weekends and that sucks. of course... Sigh.. *shrugs*
Hana Last Blogged At
12:43 PM
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Ho ho ho... Hello World...
*shakes head* Expect less of moi for a while.. *collective sigh*
Not able to use the Internet when i want to use it because of MEREPEK reasons, yeah..
So.. Excuse me for not feeling happy.. Haaha...
Oh, by the by, my new school rocks... Hehehe.. Only had Accounts Lecture on Monday, and no school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays... *sniggers sniggers* Yeah, and my Accounts class was great... Hahaha.. *proud smile* I didn't SLEEP! Muahahaha... Had a Mr Balwant Singh as a lecturer.. Haha.. *shrugs* i think he rocks.. hahaha.. well, 'cause I'm biased and he's left-handed... *sniggers*
So.. The rest of the week (Thurs, Fri, Sat) all my classes are in the morning, from 9 to 12.. Hahaha.. Which rocks too... Hehehehe.. 'Cause technically, i don't have to spend money for lunch or anything.. Cool~
Oh, yeah.. Hahaha.. am off to Batam (of all places) during the National day hols... Hahaha.. *shrugs* Shopping! and Go-Kart!!! *which incidently is NOTHING like ice-skating, no matter what Farhan says* *guffaws*
Yeah.. So... That's about it...
Miss all you guys.. And miss my dude.. *sighs*
Life's really not fair sometimes... But you've got to live with it.. Haha.. *shrugs*
Have a Great day World~ *small smile*
Hana Last Blogged At
1:34 PM
Monday, August 02, 2004
Wahahaha.. Westlake Primary School... Hoo hoo...
Hana Last Blogged At
11:26 AM
Haha.. Took this at some building at Tanjong Pagar.. Niceee...
Hana Last Blogged At
11:25 AM
Woooookies... Off to school in 20 mins... Haha... Hmph..
Ergh, SCHOOL!!!
Spent the entire day yesterday with Him.. Hahahaha... YAAY!!! Hahahahaha...
As usual, we didn't do anything.. Just walked around and shtuff.. Hahaha..
Went to Toa Payoh, and had yummy Chicken Rice.. *shakes head* you guys must try it!!!
Then we went to my old housing estate and i showed him the dreaded bridge: the one i fell off from.. Haha..
Then I showed him my old primary school, which is like... Um, old and abandoned.. Uhhu.. And there was an Indian security guard too... *giggles giggles*
Yeah.. Then we scouted to Bishan.. hahahaha... Yeah, so practically we walked like, from Toa Payoh to Bishan.. No easy feat... *winks at Farhan*
Wahahaa.. And the day didn't end there... We went to Tanjong Pagar after, haha.. Supposedly to watch the SUN set.. Hahahaha... But... OF COURSE... it rained.. Hahaha.. Not that i cared lah.. Hahahaha.. But I hope He isn't sick.. Hahaha.. Though I think he is... *rambling on and on*
Hahaha.. Yeah.. So a day spent with you... Lalalala....
Love love love it... Hahahaha... *afterthought* Oh, and You.. Hehe..
Have a great day WORLD!!!
*kisses for the missed*
Hana Last Blogged At
11:10 AM
Sunday, August 01, 2004
That's When I'll Stop Loving You
I'm sure you've heard these words before
And I know it's hard for you to trust them once more
You're afraid it all might end
And your broken heart it's scared of breaking again
Cause you gotta believe me
I'll never leave you
You'll never cry as long as I'm am there
And I will always be there
You will never be without love..
When winter comes in summer
When there's no more forever
When lies become the truth
Well you'll know then baby
That's when I'll stop loving...
That's when I'll stop loving you
As long as sunlight lights the sky
The light of love will be found in these eyes of mine
And I will shine that light for you
You're the only one, I'll ever give this heart to
What I'm trying to say is nothing will change this
Loving on time you will find me there
Cause I will always be there
You will always have all my love...
Haha.. It's been a, um... weird couple of days.. Haha.. Yeah..
Sayang, don't think too much okie? Hahaa.. *weird that i'm saying THAT to you*
Whatever happens will happen, whether you like it or not..
We'll be fine.. Hahaha.. We will..
I love you~
Hana Last Blogged At
1:20 AM